
Free 3D Models

148 found
Blender (148)FBX (92)Cinema 4D (52)3ds Max (13)Maya (7)obj (108)
Animated (148)3D Printable (222)Rigged (184)Lowpoly (488)
Black Dragon Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.stl .unity .3ds .blender .dae .fbx .ply .3ds .dae .blend .fbx .stl
Realistic Hand-Rigged 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Wolf Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.gltf .blender .x3d .x .wrl .unreal .unity .stl .ply .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blend .abc .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Low Poly Stickman 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .obj
Rigged Hands 3d model
.x3d .obj .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
African Elephant Low Poly 3d model
.blend .fbx .max .unitypackage
Intergalactic Spaceship in Blender 2.8 Eevee 3d model
.unity .x3d .vrml .obj .stl .ply .fbx .dxf .dae .3ds .blend
Astronaut 3d model
GameReady Cottage 3d model
.blend .max .fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .c4d .png
Low Poly Character 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj
Notebook Low-Poly Version 3d model
.unity .fbx .dae .blender .dxf .x .x3d .3ds .obj .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf
Umbrella Bamboos (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .c4d .blend
Alien Animal Update in Blender-2.8x 3d model
.blend .unity .obj .dxf .dae .fbx
Animated male character 3d model
Intergalactic Spaceship Version 2 (Blender-2.92 Eevee) 3d model
.blend .abc .dae .dxf .fbx .gltf .obj .ply .stl .x3d
Gray Wolf 3d model
.blend .fbx .max .unitypackage
Space Station Scene 3d model
.x .wrl .obj .abc .dae .tbscene .unity .fbx .blend
Nick Wilde Zootopia 3d model
E 45 Aircraft 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Animated fish and props 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
DARK ROOM 3d model
.fbx .blend .obj
Fox Animated 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .obj .upk
Sunset animation 3d model
Ghost Girl 3d model
.3ds .blend .unknown .fbx .obj
Room Door 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .mtl
ocean V1 3d model
.blend .unknown
Futuristic Transport Shuttle (Rigged) 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .dae .x3d .obj .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
Trimmed Bamboos (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .c4d .blend .fbx .obj
Wall Clock 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx .mtl
Honey Bee 3d model
Beretta Pistol 3d model
.blend .fbx
Unicorn 3d model
Futuristic Five-Wheeled Building - Five Wheeler 3d model
.unitypackage .x3d .xfile .obj .texture .fbx .dae .blend
Scallop Shell 3d model
Sphere-Bot 2.8 Version 3d model
.blender .textures .fbx .x .dae .blend .x3d .obj
Animated Game Rabbit 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj .upk
Tree 01 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx .stl .dae .abc
Quad Copter Drone with Camera 3d model
.obj .fbx .unknown .blend .3ds
Mech Neck Walker - Blender Game Engine and Unity 3D 3d model
.fbx .obj .x .dae .x3d .unity .blend
SciFi Spider 3d model
.fbx .blend .unknown .obj .max
Alien Animal 3d model
.dae .x .fbx .unitypackage .3ds .obj .dxf .blend
Crab 3d model
.obj .blend
Futuristic Car Game-Ready 3d model
.x3d .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .obj .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
African Rhino 3d model
.unitypackage .blend .fbx .max
Ocean with wind and physics 3d model
Zen the Alien 3d model
3d-Hologramm 3d model
.dxf .abc .obj .fbx .x .wrl .ply .dae .3ds .x3d .stl .raw .blend
Chibi Zombie 3d model
.3ds .blend .unknown .obj .stl
Heli Bell 3d model
.blend .obj
Anime Character 3d model
.blend .dae .fbx .obj .unknown
Chevrolet Camaro SS Coupe 3d model
.blend .obj
Tarantula 3d model
.fbx .blend
Eiffel Tower 3d model
Black Scorpion 3d model
.blend .fbx
Modular UFO 3d model
.gltf .glb .dae .stl .ply .obj .textures .gltf .blender .fbx .blend
Penguin 3d model
.blend .max .fbx
low poly room 3d model
Protoboard 3d model
.3ds .blend .fbx .dxf .dae .obj .stl
Sci-Fi Spider 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj .max .unknown
Girl in the dark 3d model
.blend .obj
Game ready Character -- Animated Naked woman 3d model
.stl .max .obj .fbx .c4d .blend
Robot Dog Animation 3d model
.blend .obj .3ds
Dragon Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.blend .unknown .fbx .unitypackage
Mountain Bike Pacific Invert 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Living room 3d model
.blend .unknown .fbx
Lowpoly Cat Rigged + Run animation 3d model
.blend .fbx
Ocellaris clownfish 3d model
.blend .gltf
Spider 3d model
.blend .fbx
rabbit animated 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Window Component 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
45 ACP Smith and Wesson Gun Model 3d model
.ma .obj .blend .fbx .dxf .dae .3ds .unitypackage
Airgun - Knicker Haenel Model III-56 3d model
.dae .dxf .fbx .obj .ply .raw .stl .wrl .x .x3d .blend
Female Android 3d model
Geothermal Steam Factory 3d model
.dae .3ds .fbx .obj .blend
Cloud Animation 3d model
Amphibious for Blender 2.8 3d model
Dragon Creature Rigged 3d model
.dae .unknown .fbx .obj .stl .blend
Characters and Animations 3d model
Unreal 4 Female 3d model
.blend .fbx
Pikachu Medium Poly 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
World-earth 3d model
Plane 3d model
Anime character - Twisted boy 3d model
.unknown .blend
Chainsaw Animated Lowpoly 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx
Bedroom Studio with African Relics 3d model
.blend .dae .obj .x3d
Modular Sci-Fi Stairs (Basic Version) 3d model
.fbx .x3d .wrl .stl .raw .ply .ms3d .dxf .dae .abc .3ds .obj .blend
Skateboard - animation 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .unknown .dae
Burning Cube 3d model
.x .abc .x3d .wrl .stl .raw .ply .obj .fbx .dxf .dae .blend
Game ready wolf 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Mechanical City 0.15 3d model
Sharpnose tigerfish 3d model
.3ds .gltf .blend
mahatjakra B-320 3d model
Spotted scat 3d model
.3ds .gltf .blend
Microwave 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .stl
Grass puffer? 3d model
.blend .gltf .pz3 .3ds
Meatball Cart 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Bigeyed flathead 3d model
.blend .gltf .pz3 .3ds
Low-Poly Plastic Cup 3d model
.x3d .x .wrl .unity .tbscene .stl .raw .ply .obj .gltf .fbx .dxf .dae .abc .3ds .blend
Slender bitterling 3d model
.3ds .gltf .blend
Chainsaw High Poly Version 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx
Hair straightener (3 in 1) 3d model
.blend .fbx .ma .max .obj
Tower-House Design 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Living room 3d model
Soda can Blender 3d model
Cessna 182 Skylane 3d model
.obj .max .fbx .blend
Sphere-Bot Basic 3d model
.blend .dae .fbx .obj
Japanese mitten crab 3d model
.3ds .blend .gltf
Solar System 3d model
Amur Ninespine Stickleback 3d model
.3ds .pz3 .gltf .blend
Abigail 3d model
.blend .bvh
Japanese lates juvenile 3d model
.blend .gltf .3ds
Alienware 18 3d model
.dae .blender .3ds .x3d .ply .obj .fbx .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Low Poly Heavy Sentry Gun 3d model
.unitypackage .rsobj .blend .fbx
Sci-Fi Freighter 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .dxf .stl
Blue marlin 3d model
.3ds .blend .gltf