
Free 3D Models

92 found
Blender (148)FBX (92)Cinema 4D (52)3ds Max (13)Maya (7)obj (108)
Animated (92)3D Printable (279)Rigged (161)Lowpoly (608)
Black Dragon Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.stl .unity .3ds .blender .dae .fbx .ply .3ds .dae .blend .fbx .stl
Hand 3d model
.fbx .max .ma
Nathan Animated 003 Walking 3d model
.c4d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg
SciFi City 3d model
.obj .3ds .fbx .dwg .max
Sophia Animated 001 Idling 3d model
.ue4 .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg
Realistic Hand-Rigged 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Wolf Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.gltf .blender .x3d .x .wrl .unreal .unity .stl .ply .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blend .abc .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Average Man 3d model
.fbx .max
Rigged Hands 3d model
.x3d .obj .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Low Poly Stickman 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .obj
Intergalactic Spaceship in Blender 2.8 Eevee 3d model
.unity .x3d .vrml .obj .stl .ply .fbx .dxf .dae .3ds .blend
African Elephant Low Poly 3d model
.blend .fbx .max .unitypackage
GameReady Cottage 3d model
.blend .max .fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .c4d .png
Heart Anatomy Animated 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .dxf .unknown
Notebook Low-Poly Version 3d model
.unity .fbx .dae .blender .dxf .x .x3d .3ds .obj .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf
Man In A Tracksuit 3d model
.fbx .obj .max
Alien Animal Update in Blender-2.8x 3d model
.blend .unity .obj .dxf .dae .fbx
iPhone X 3d model
.c4d .x .fbx .obj .3ds .unknown
Manuel Animated 001 Dancing 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg
Realistic Lungs Animated 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .dxf
Spider Animated and Game-Ready 3d model
.fbx .dxf .dae .blender .3ds .x3d .x .unity .obj .all .in .one .downoad
Sparrow Animated 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Intergalactic Spaceship Version 2 (Blender-2.92 Eevee) 3d model
.blend .abc .dae .dxf .fbx .gltf .obj .ply .stl .x3d
Anime Girl 3d model
.max .obj .fbx .unknown
Space Station Scene 3d model
.x .wrl .obj .abc .dae .tbscene .unity .fbx .blend
Low Poly Character 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj
E 45 Aircraft 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Umbrella Bamboos (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .c4d .blend
DARK ROOM 3d model
.fbx .blend .obj
Heart Animated 3d model
.c4d .fbx .dxf .obj .3ds
Futuristic Transport Shuttle (Rigged) 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .dae .x3d .obj .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
Apple AirPods wireless bluetooth earphones 3d model
.dae .fbx .max .ma .obj
Wall Clock 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx .mtl
Kitchen furnitures with accesories model 02 3d model
.unknown .3ds .fbx .max .obj
Beretta Pistol 3d model
.blend .fbx
Ferris wheel 3d model
.ma .obj .max .3ds .fbx
Futuristic Five-Wheeled Building - Five Wheeler 3d model
.unitypackage .x3d .xfile .obj .texture .fbx .dae .blend
Animated Game Character 3d model
.max .fbx
Sphere-Bot 2.8 Version 3d model
.blender .textures .fbx .x .dae .blend .x3d .obj
Minion 3d model
.fbx .obj .max .unknown
Tree 01 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx .stl .dae .abc
Concept Fighter (KF2-HAMMER) 3d model
.max .obj .3dm .fbx
Mech Neck Walker - Blender Game Engine and Unity 3D 3d model
.fbx .obj .x .dae .x3d .unity .blend
INTPGirl 3d model
.fbx .unknown .obj .jpg .ztl
Alien Animal 3d model
.dae .x .fbx .unitypackage .3ds .obj .dxf .blend
Pokemon nidorina lowpoly pbr rigged plus walkcycle 3d model
.max .c4d .dae .fbx .ma
Futuristic Car Game-Ready 3d model
.x3d .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .obj .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Gray Wolf 3d model
.blend .fbx .max .unitypackage
3d-Hologramm 3d model
.dxf .abc .obj .fbx .x .wrl .ply .dae .3ds .x3d .stl .raw .blend
Future City set 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Modular UFO 3d model
.gltf .glb .dae .stl .ply .obj .textures .gltf .blender .fbx .blend
3d Model - Male Underwear & Suit 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .ztl .ma
Twilight Character 3d model
.fbx .png
Heart Low High Poly 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .dxf
Mountain Bike Pacific Invert 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Horse rigged 3d model
.3ds .unknown .fbx .max
Lowpoly Cat Rigged + Run animation 3d model
.blend .fbx
Cow animal 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Spider 3d model
.blend .fbx
First Person Game Arms 3d model
.ma .max .x .wrl .stl .obj .flt .fbx .dae .3ds .3dm
Window Component 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
Mouse rigged 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .max
Snake 3d model
Heart Animated Six Textures 3d model
.c4d .3ds .dxf .obj .fbx
Airgun - Knicker Haenel Model III-56 3d model
.dae .dxf .fbx .obj .ply .raw .stl .wrl .x .x3d .blend
Cowboy 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Geothermal Steam Factory 3d model
.dae .3ds .fbx .obj .blend
Realist Human Eye - With Rig 3d model
.c4d .3ds .fbx .obj
Pikachu Medium Poly 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Muscle Man Vector 3d model
.unknown .fbx .obj .ztl
Chainsaw Animated Lowpoly 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx
woman astronaut 3d model
.3ds .unknown .fbx .max .obj
.c4d .obj .dxf .dae .3ds .fbx .stl .x
Sci-Fi Drone 3d model
.c4d .fbx .dae .3ds .dxf .obj .stl
Modular Sci-Fi Stairs (Basic Version) 3d model
.fbx .x3d .wrl .stl .raw .ply .ms3d .dxf .dae .abc .3ds .obj .blend
CD Case 3d model
.max .3ds .fbx
Rigged Stick Figure 3d model
.3ds .obj .max .fbx
Executive Furniture Set 3d model
.obj .fbx .3ds .max
Burning Cube 3d model
.x .abc .x3d .wrl .stl .raw .ply .obj .fbx .dxf .dae .blend
Animated fish and props 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
Microwave 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .stl
lego cowboy 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Meatball Cart 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Desert Eagle 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .obj
Low-Poly Plastic Cup 3d model
.x3d .x .wrl .unity .tbscene .stl .raw .ply .obj .gltf .fbx .dxf .dae .abc .3ds .blend
Wind power plant 3d model
.c4d .fbx .dae .3ds .dxf .obj
Chainsaw High Poly Version 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx
Engine 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .max
Tower-House Design 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Forklift truck 3d model
.obj .fbx .max .3ds
Sphere-Bot Basic 3d model
.blend .dae .fbx .obj
Ghost Girl 3d model
.3ds .blend .unknown .fbx .obj
Alienware 18 3d model
.dae .blender .3ds .x3d .ply .obj .fbx .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
CIWS Turret 3d model
.fbx .obj
Sci-Fi Freighter 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .dxf .stl
Airbus A320 3d model
.3ds .max .obj .fbx
Controllable Drone - Blender Game Engine 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Man character 3d model
.fbx .ma
Futuristic Combat Jet Rigged 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .dxf .stl
Animated Fantasy Characters 3d model
.fbx .max
Maharana Pratap Ridding Chetak 3d model
.c4d .obj .fbx
Domestic Cat Skull 3d model
.c4d .fbx .obj
FMR 6 3d model
.obj .fbx .c4d
Classic Flying Saucer UFO 3d model
.obj .ma .fbx .max .3ds
Quran 3d model
.c4d .3ds .fbx .obj
Cereal Box 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
Gun Bot Design 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .dxf .stl
Trimmed Bamboos (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .c4d .blend .fbx .obj
Simple wheel rig with hydraulics 3d model
.tbscene .stl .obj .mview .glb .fbx .dae .abc .x3d .x .wrl .unity .blend
Rabbit Bunny Animated 3d model
.unknown .fbx .ma
Box Cutter High-Poly Version 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx .mtl
Roman Diplomat 3d model
.fbx .max .obj .unknown .dae
Laser Gun Tower 3d model
.abc .x3d .x .wrl .stl .raw .ply .obj .fbx .dxf .dae .blend
Butterfly Blue Morpho 3d model
.max .xsi .fbx .obj .unknown
Star Fighter 3d model
.dae .abc .x3d .x .wrl .stl .raw .ply .obj .fbx .dxf .blend
Fountain 001 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .unknown
Excavator 3d model
.c4d .fbx .obj
Female Arms 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Cartoon monkey 3d model
.max .ma .fbx .dae .obj