
Free 3D Models

10,000 found
Blender (2623)FBX (3468)Cinema 4D (2119)3ds Max (1401)Maya (666)obj (10945)
Animated (108)3D Printable (6801)Rigged (177)Lowpoly (6946)
Bugatti Chiron 2017 sports car 3d model
.obj .blend
Low Poly Base Mesh-Female/Male 3d model
.lwo .obj
Male Base Mesh 3d model
Heart Human Textured 3d model
.dxf .obj .fbx .3ds .c4d .unknown
Realistic Trees Scene 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend
LowPoly Forest Pack 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
IRON MAN 3d model
.obj .max
Chibi Base Mesh 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .max
Abandoned Cottage House 3d model
.fbx .blend .png .obj
Famale 3d model
.ztl .c4d .obj .fbx
Residential Building Set 3d model
.unity .blender .wip .abc .3ds .x .unreal .3d .textures .stl .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blender .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mesh .dxf .stl
Donut 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj .stl .unknown
Mercedes Benz GLS 580 2020 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Human Male Base Mesh 3d model
.ma .fbx .obj
Living Room 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Subway Train Interior 3d model
.ma .unknown .obj .fbx
Trees 9 3d model
.obj .3ds
Wolf Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.gltf .blender .x3d .x .wrl .unreal .unity .stl .ply .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blend .abc .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Tree 3d model
.max .ma .unknown .fbx .obj
Sports Car 3d model
.obj .blend
Boeing 737-800 3d model
.obj .fbx .dae .blend
Professional scene with Coca-Cola bottle 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .max .c4d .blend .fbx .lws .mtl .stl .sldprt .sldasm
Low Poly Base Mesh-Male 3d model
.lwo .obj
IphoneX 3d model
.c4d .obj .fbx
Chibi Base Mesh 02 3d model
.obj .3ds .fbx .max
Rigged Hands 3d model
.x3d .obj .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Notre Dame de Paris 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
Male Base 3d model
Climbing Plants Collection (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .c4d .obj .blend .fbx
Huge City 3d model
.blend .obj
Hooded Sweater Base Meshes 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .max .ztl
Intergalactic Spaceship in Blender 2.8 Eevee 3d model
.unity .x3d .vrml .obj .stl .ply .fbx .dxf .dae .3ds .blend
Worker 3d model
.unknown .obj .max .3ds .fbx
Indoor Pot Plant 2 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf
head basemesh 3d model
Skull v3 3d model
Cartoon robot 3d model
.unknown .c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .max
GameReady Cottage 3d model
.blend .max .fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .c4d .png
Brain 3d model
.ztl .obj .fbx
Koenigsegg Agera 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
industrial warehouse 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
Tree 3d model
.obj .fbx
SciFi City 3d model
.obj .3ds .fbx .dwg .max
Sniper Rifle KSR-29 (Retexurted) 3d model
.blender282a .abc .3ds .x3d .x .wrl .stl .ply .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blender .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Eye 3d model
.3ds .unknown .blend .fbx .obj
Couch Sofa 3d model
.obj .max
GIRL TOON 3d model
.obj .fbx .blend
VW Beetle 1300 3d model
.obj .max
A simple room 3d model
.3ds .obj .c4d
Rubber Duck 02 3d model
.fbx .obj .max
Base Mesh Ready to be Rigged 3d model
.obj .blend
Baseball Cap 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .max .obj
Eyeball 3d model
.obj .ply .fbx .dae .3ds .x3d .blender .dxf .stl .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .dxf .stl
Male A-Posed Character 3d model
Cat v1  3d model
.obj .stl
New York City pack 3d model
.c4d .3ds .fbx .obj
anime character high 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx
Low poly female model 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj
Sting Sword 3d model
.textures .obj .dae .3ds .fbx .blend
Scar 3d model
.obj .fbx .3ds
low poly tree 3d model
.max .fbx .c4d .dae .ma .lxo .obj .mtl .zbp .ztl
Head 3d model
.max .3ds .fbx .obj
091 Aya 3d model
.obj .c4d .max
Cartoon low poly landscape scene 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .blend .c4d .max
Notebook Low-Poly Version 3d model
.unity .fbx .dae .blender .dxf .x .x3d .3ds .obj .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf
park scene 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .c4d
Porsche 911 GT2 3d model
.obj .max
Distant City 3d model
Building House 04 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx
Plastic Bag 3d model
.blend .3ds .dae .fbx .obj
Sofa 3d model
.blend .obj .3ds .fbx
City Street 3d model
.obj .ma .fbx
Alien Animal Update in Blender-2.8x 3d model
.blend .unity .obj .dxf .dae .fbx
Skull 3d model
.max .ma .obj .fbx .ztl
Desktop table 3d model
.obj .mtl .stl .x3d .fbx
Male Base Mesh 3d model
.ma .obj
Mei Posed 001 3d model
.c4d .obj .jpg .tif .bld .obj .jpg .tif .3dm .obj .jpg .tif .skp .bld .obj .jpg .tif .psd .obj .jpg .tif .fbx .obj .jpg .tif .ma .obj .jpg .tif .max .obj .jpg .tif
Realistic Hand-Rigged 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Tea Mug 3d model
.stl .obj .fbx .blend
Industrial Vehicles Pack 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .max
Airplane v1  3d model
.obj .stl
Apple iPhone 7 Jet Black and Black 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Watch Tower made of Wood 3d model
.dxf .blender .dae .fbx .obj .unity .x .3ds .x3d .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
Sexy female statue 3d model
.3ds .unknown .dae .fbx .lwo .lxo .max .ma .obj .ztl
Spider Animated and Game-Ready 3d model
.fbx .dxf .dae .blender .3ds .x3d .x .unity .obj .all .in .one .downoad
Digestive System Color 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .wrl .fbx .dxf
modern chair 11 3d model
.fbx .obj .max .jpg
Realistic Interior Room 3d model
.max .3ds .fbx .obj
Moon Photorealistic 2K 3d model
.blend .max .ma .c4d .fbx .obj .mtl
Paper Plane 3d model
.3ds .c4d .dae .fbx .max .obj
Castelia City 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .fbx .mtl
Skeleton 3d model
.max .unknown .obj .fbx .3ds
MI smart tv (32) inch 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
grass stone 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Living Room 3d model
.obj .max
Modern bedroom 3d model
.unknown .blend .fbx .obj
Container 3d model
.max .obj .fbx .3ds .jpg .png
Bike 3d model
.max .obj
Car Tuned 3d model
.3ds .obj .fbx .skp
grass multi 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Indoor Pot Plant 3 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
Low Poly Stickman 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .obj
Dennis Posed 004 3d model
.3dm .obj .jpg .tiff .blend .obj .jpg .tiff .skp .obj .jpg .tiff .c4d .obj .jpg .tiff .max .obj .jpg .tiff
Iron Man 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
road 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .dds
Horse 3d model
.max .3ds .fbx .obj
Human male Anatomy 3d model
Soldier 3d model
.3ds .dae .fbx .obj .blend
Bambo House 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
Computer 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Audi R8 Spyder 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx .mtl .stl
Egyptian architecture objects 3d model
.c4d .ma .vue .fbx .obj
Mountain 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend
Combat Jet 3d model
.obj .fbx .max .c4d
building 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx
Chair, Office Table, Sofa, Office Furniture 3d model
.unknown .3ds .fbx .obj .max
Table And Chairs 3d model
.fbx .obj .max
Anatomy model 3d model
.ma .ztl .obj .max